1921 Kimball Brothers Company

This is a high quality digital reproduction of an original 1921
product catalog for
Kimball Brothers Company. It is 32 pages,
and Iceless Refrigerators), Electric Dumb Waiters "These
machines are simple in construction and best for hospital, hotel,
garage, factory and general use.", No. 2 Hand Power Elevator,
No. 2 Electric Attachment Elevator, No. 2 Double Back Hand
Power Elevator, Hand Power Automobile Elevator (No. 7 Double
Back Elevator), Hand Power Special Elevator (No. 4), Hand Power
Sidewalk Elevator (No. 14), Nos. 3, 4 and 5 Electrics, Light Power
Elevator (Type V), Medium Power Elevator Machine (Type K-O),
Medium Power Basement Machine (Type K-B), Heavy Power
Elevator Machines (Type H), Tandem Electric Machine (Type M),
Electric Sidewalk Elevator, Push Button Electric Control, No. 2
Automobile Electric Elevator, No. 7 Electric Auto Elevator, K Type
Automobile Elevator, Double Bail Platform "Double Steel Bail
with Double Safety for Four-Guide Post and Double Hitch to
Car", Alternating Current Full Magnet Controller, Direct Current
Full Magnet Controller, Alternating Semi-Magnet Controller, No.
410 Cab, Accessories (Magnet Brake, Worm and Gear, Speed
Governor, Toggle Safety Catch).
1921 Kimball Brothers Company Elevators
1932 Kimball Brothers Company
1932 Kimball Brothers Company

This is a high quality digital reproduction of an original 1932 product ad for
Kimball Brothers Company. It is 2 pages, This ad features a complete line of
Gearless and Geared Electric Elevators for both passenger and freight service,
including Variable Voltage Control, Automatic Operated Push Button Elevators,
Dumbwaiters, Hand Elevators, Ash Hoists and the Kimball Light Electric
Elevators.  A full page is dedicated to the Kimball "5A"-Light Electric Elevator.
Kimball Brothers Company
Old Company Catalogs (RetroPaper.net)